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Grow with Us! 

Grow Relationship with God
Expand Outward Focus
Select Your Service Areas 


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Know that you are very welcome to join us! 
We're located at 777 Hwy 22 Pena Blanca, NM 87041, 505-615-5756
11:00 am Sunday Worship, 6:15 pm Wednesday Bible Study
Children's programming on Sundays and Wednesdays
No dress code.  No pressure to tithe.  All backgrounds welcomed.
Plan on a welcoming environment and a fun learning experience!

Grow Relationship with God

Great ways to grow a relationship with God include surrounding yourself with people who follow Jesus, listening for the Holy Spirit's guidance, getting to know the Bible, and using the powerful resource of prayer.  White Stone Community Church puts a high emphasis on serious and meaningful worship gatherings, classes that emphasize studying and applying the Bible, praying together for our daily concerns as well as major church and world objectives.  We tend to see ourselves as consumers of spiritual blessings and existing for our neighbors.  Please know that you are very welcome to join us in growing our relationships with God at White Stone Community Church.

Expand Outward Focus

Mark 12:31 is a powerful scripture that we strive to obey:  "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than this".  We encourage our new and current members to form an outward focused perspective by offering activities such as Easter Egg hunts and Christmas events.  We also love our neighbors by offering valuable educational events such as classes for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillator training.  The church is now increasing our activities that support the local schools and community organizations as well.  We encourage our neighbors who are struggling to contact us for prayers, encouragement, and help when possible.

Select Service Areas

There are many rewarding ministries to participate in or serve in.  Example opportunities to "Grow with Us" are shown below. 

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Participate in Loving our Neighbors

Rather than avoiding a stranger in need, Jesus calls His followers to care for others with sacrificial love. WSCC applies this teaching through community service projects, classes such as CPR/defibrillator training, food for the hungry, commmunity events, prayers for our neighbors, and workshops such as "How to Share Your Faith".  Click here to contact Anita Miller. 

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Pray and be

prayed for

Our worship gatherings always start with the collection of prayer requests from the attendees.  There are always a wide range of prayer requests including sweet prayers from the children about their parents and their pets.  Many attendees continue to pray for the requests during the week.  Click here to contact Matt Marea.

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The women study and grow together

Join the women's Bible study by teleconference at 7pm on Mondays.  The 30-minute Bible lessons and discussions are oriented to women and often cause new perspectives and immediate application of the principles learned.  Click here to contact Franchesca Bayne. 

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Teens explore and grow their faith

Our youth gatherings (6th through 12th grade) are maturing into young adults - a time of great excitement!  The teen years are also a transitional time with many new experiences and challenges. The youth ministers provides a space for young people to explore their faith, develop a solid moral foundation, and actively participate in church life. Click here to contact Katie and Manny Salas. 

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The men plan and pray together

The White Stone Community Church men meet together at least once a month, usually over breakfast, to pray, plan, study, and encourage each other.  Some of the meets are with other area churches or service organizations.  Click here to contact Pastor Jim Bayne. 

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Fellowship is an important part of our faith

Potluck meals, desserts, Frito-pie dinners, and snacks are just a few of the food and fellowship events at White Stone Community Church.  There's always coffee and tea available!  Bringing food and coming together allows us to love others, meet our neighbors, and show the world who God is.  Click here to contact Monica Pizana


777 Hwy 22 Pena Blanca, NM 87041
Sunday Worship and Children's Sunday School, 11:00AM - 12:30 PM
Wednesday Bible Study Classes for Adults, Children, and Youth - 6:15-7:30 PM

Contact us

Copyright 2024, White Stone Community Church, All Rights Reserved

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